Monday, August 5, 2013

Print the Entire Contents of a File Folder

As I mentioned in my last post, a common task for most law firm's is to list or print the contents of a Windows folder.  

That task can be done through a command line, but remains very user "not-so-friendly".

There are a few really great third party applications that can do this and with relative ease.
One that I use is a great application called TreeSize by JAM software.   It's available from their site with both a personal use version and really useful professional version.

This sort of reporting is very useful when migrating data into a Document Management System or to get a glance at data prior to building a backup structure.   It can also be helpful in Electronic Discovery and document productions in the legal field.

For my example,  I will be using the free version.

I chose a folder on my desktop called "example"

After selecting the folder, TreeSize will begin scanning the directory and all sub-folders to list their contents.
Once it's done, expand all the subfolders and choose Print. 

My default printer is set to my PDF printer so I will save and name the file.

The end result is a very comprehensive report of the contents of any directory.